
Insomnia is defined as difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep for long enough to feel refreshed the next morning.

Most of us will have experienced a disrupted sleep and will know how it feels when you can’t seem to fall asleep. It may be that you are thinking about the next day or have had a coffee too near to bedtime. Perhaps you found it easy to fall asleep, but continue to wake up through the night. Either way, a rough sleep can leave you feeling drained and irritable the next day. Those who suffer with insomnia will experience these feelings regularly.

It is estimated that a third of people in the UK have episodes of insomnia during their lives. While it is not uncommon, it is believed that it can affect any age.

Hypnotherapy for insomnia can tackle any potential causes, while helping you relax and drop off to sleep. Hypnosis will help relaxing your busy mind, which is in most cases the cause of the problem.